Saturday 28 February 2009

Taking the Plunge at Niagara Falls

Taking the Plunge at Niagara Falls
By Herod Jacobs

Perhaps the most well-known set of waterfalls in the world, Niagara Falls is a sight to behold. Made up of three different falls (the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls, and the Bridal Veil Falls) that move over six million cubic feet of water per minute, Niagara Falls is the most powerful waterfall in North America. Exceptionally wide, incredibly beautiful, and an important source of hydroelectric power, the falls are an invaluable resource and brilliant natural wonder. However, some people see them as something else: a challenge.

Everyones heard of it, although very few people attempt it: going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. This world-famous stunt was first performed in 1829 by Sam Patch, the first famous US stunt performer. Patch simply jumped off the edge of the Horseshoe Falls to the amazement of the huge crowd. It wasnt until 1901 that a barrel would be used to go over the falls. This attempt was also the first by a woman. Annie Taylor survived her attempt with only a few bumps and scratches, and since then, fourteen others have made the attempt. Some, like Karel Soucek in 1984, survived only to face still fines. Others have not survived their attempt to defeat the powerful falls. The most recent person to leap from the falls was Kirk Jones, who leapt from the edge without a floatation device in October of 2003. While Jones did survive, many speculate that he was attempting suicide, not a stunt.

All of the attempts at going over Niagara Falls, whether in a barrel or not, have been done at the Horseshoe Falls. This is because it has fewer rocks than the other two and a faster current, which propels daredevils farther out from the rocky edge. Because of the rocks and other dangers, it is now illegal to attempt to go over the Falls in any way. This hasnt stopped people from attempting it, although those who survive find themselves facing high fines and possible arrest.

Despite the small number of people to leap from Niagara Falls and the even smaller number to survive, the stunt remains one of the most well-known and amazing feats a daredevil can attempt. To jump from the top of the majestic falls and survive proves one has courage, bravery, and the ability to defeat one of natures most spectacular sights in the world.

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